Write Your Future, Just in THiNG.FUND

3 min readNov 26, 2021


We often imagine a question: what is the future? In previous artworks, we have predicted space colonization, future Utopia, post-apocalyptic world, cyberspace, natural disasters, alien invasion, and many future visions. But as human beings, there is an eternal question in these oracles: how will human beings deal with themselves in the future?

(You could attend Early Access Program to join co-creation with THiNG.FUND. Links and more details are at the last part of this article.)

The beginning of three storylines

THiNG.FUND has carefully selected three cutting-edge artists from more than 300 artists. Their artworks present different perspectives and possibilities and depict the future of humankind. BHQS Chen Bin is committed to the theme of the conversation between earth and space. He cares about the relationship between the earth environment and humanity. He has many imaginations about the future and the potential of the universe. How about exploring the universe and the diversity of human civilization? He is an advocate of the Interstellarist in Oriental Sci-Fi: The Renascence.

3D artist Shen X conveys the quality of human endurance and persistence with his artworks. He uses the vast wasteland to express the sense of eternity and loneliness. There will always be some individuals with strength born in a desperate environment, and there will always be some groups with faith. Disaster is not the end of humankind but a new beginning. He believes that human civilization will guide us to rebuild the glory of the past, so he is an advocate of the Rebuilder in The Renascence.

3D artist JUSTICEleo is a fan of virtual reality and digital space. His theme is based on the assumption that metaverse and real-world could exist: the survivors from the apocalypse immerse into a digital dream. With the glory in the metaverse, they express no fear of the apocalypse. The spirit exists forever, and consciousness is the ultimate reality. Therefore, he is the advocate of Metascendee in The Renascence.

Choose your favourite storyline and write your future

You can have these great artworks from different storylines of The Renascence permanently in NFT form. We will launch the Selective artworks in this theme on starly.io. All the NFTs will be minted on Flow blockchain.

By purchasing on starly.io, you will have the opportunity to collect your favourite works and join the corresponding faction channels (three different factions represented by three artists/storylines) in discord channel -Interstellarist (ISP), Rebuilder (R3) and Metascendee (MASC) by holding the corresponding NFTs.

After that, you could write your own stories based on the background and then your story will have the chance to be part of the next artwork. Once your story is selected, you could also have the chance to share the profits from selling the artwork.

Early Access Program

To thank you for all the support before our main drop, we would love to host the Early Access Program.

Before the official launch of the series artworks on December 2, 2021, you will have the opportunity to qualify for early participation in the Renascence co-creation community, and NFTs required at this stage.

At this moment, you only need to finish an Apocalypse simulation and join our Discord to become a member of the Renascence co-creation community. The staff from THiNG.FUND will set your corresponding role in Discord according to your simulation result. One person could only select one faction according to the last simulation result submitted. You could join THiNG.FUND community in advance in case of missing the treat! https://discord.gg/thingfund,

This “Early Access Program”, hosted by THiNG.FUND, will be closed once The Renascence maindrop launch on starly.io. Unlock the qualification of one camp to join and jointly write the future of mankind via: https://7c03y51ye2t.typeform.com/to/WdjaOx8e




Written by THiNG.FUND

A crypto art / game incubator backed by top tier academies.

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