What the Future Bring to Us,The Renascence Answered in Metaverse

5 min readDec 14, 2021


On December 2, an extraordinary collection The Renascence dropped, born from a special collaboration of two Flow ecosystem projects THiNG.FUND and Starly. It mesmerized collectors right away, bringing in an impressive amount of $200K just in the first 4 hours. And by the end of this maindrop, the legendary pack was sold out in around the first 2 days which is out of our expectations! To those who purchased The Renascence NFTs on Starly.io , you will receive the factional badges next month.

The first-ever Sci-Fi series co-creation DAO

For those who don’t know what the Renascence is, we could use one sentence to summarize: the first-ever Sci-Fi series co-created by DAO — The Renascence. You will have the power to decide what will happen from that. By developing this series by DAO, you can create, vote, and collaborate with the community and artists to expand future possibilities.

We set a bar for entering this co-creating DAO which we want to select the true users, not just those who hunts giveaways. By holding the art NFTs, you will have the opportunity to collect your favourite works and join the corresponding faction communities. After that, you could write your own stories based on the background and then your story will have the chance to be part of the next artwork. Once your story is selected by the community members who hold the NFTs, you could have the opportunity to collaborate with the artist and share the profits from your co-creation.

You may also ‘Contract’ your favourite artworks by purchasing them during the drop to support your favourite artists. After the purchase, you could keep your address or designated signature in the metadata of the acknowledgement list/sponsor when the following artwork is minted.

Why did we choose this theme?


The Apocalypse is always a heated discussion. As our living environment is getting worse, this theme is inevitable. Imagine what will happen after the Apocalypse. But humanity has never lost hope, nor will the fire of civilisation die easily. The Apocalypse survivors struggle to survive and try to sustain themselves in the harsh environment.

Our three artists: BHQS ChenBin, Shen X and JUSTICEleo created three factions from their perspectives of the future solution: Interstellarist(ISP), Rebuilder(R3), and Metascendee(MASC) are giving the starts through their artworks. ISP might choose to explore on Moon to find a place to live; R3 is trying to collect the remains of cultural relics; MASC may leave fewer persons to guard servers that load metaverse.

Our artists set this co-creating DAO to a very high standard through the artworks and the design of the setting. BHQS Chen Bin is the appointed artist of the famous Sci-Fi series: The Three-body Problem and The Wandering Earth. The other two frontier artists are also selected by THiNG.FUND through a co-host competition with the top Chinese academy in July this year. It brings good quality, attracting people and inspiring their enthusiasm for creation.

Community Powers and Flow Eco Partners

People are the true power for any project, organisation, or company. For THiNG.FUND, the community also provide creative content like below:

We are grateful for our partners in this incredible journey: Flow, Starly and VIV3, to give us great support. starly.io provided their customised product development, including customised collection design, supporting FLOW token as a payment, and more. With VIV3, we got an excellent advertisement position, and in the future, we will also have some cooperation. Most of our users are from the Flow community. They are the root of this maindrop. We will continue our journey with these great communities and partners.

Meetups with Pucs and the future of THiNG.FUND

After this maindrop, we held the meetup with Pucs, the founder of THiNGFUND, who brought many brilliant ideas and great resources. He created, executed and shared them with the community.

In our two meetups with Pucs, we recap what we have done. We also got a very mused part — interesting questions for Pucs: How long is human life? How big is the universe? Can humans travel through time and space? For us, it is also fresh to discuss these questions. We will keep our curiosity about the mysterious and unknowns and look forward to the fellows who have not joined us yet.

Also, Pucs mentioned that we would establish a multi-threads library on beta launch. You can navigate through the nodes of the Renascence. These brilliant nodes will be created and forked by the co-creating community.

The content governance model will also be ready for revealing. A DAO firm’s content co-creation and maintenance are different from the traditional pipeline. Like creating an entity from nowhere by one creator and getting revised by another, the questions are as follows:

  1. How to evaluate the contents and revisions by DAO decision;
  2. How to grow the series organically with the help of collective wisdom;
  3. How to organise the relationship of creators, revisors, sponsors and anyone who get inspired by the original ideas;
  4. How to coordinate the co-creation process by the idea of tokenomics and NFTs?

Next month, THiNG.FUND will launch the pre-alpha phase of the co-creating process to experiment and evaluate the MVP of this first-ever co-creating DAO with the community. Thanks to the patrons and partners from our community and Flow eco, we are delighted to have many clues for solving the problems and DAO tools under development. Together, we are making the future closer and more achievable.

At the very last, the team from THiNG.FUND they would like to express their appreciation for such a great community and partners: Thanks to all patrons who support us at such an early stage. I’m glad to have such great fellows found at the beginning of our journey. May we travel as far as the imagination could reach and be more prosperous on each step. _ Pucs

We are casting history every minute and every second now. Let’s start from this moment and be the people who rewrite history! Create the future together! _ Zanna

Finally, we have finished reading thousands of Google forms, staying up late with Zanna, having acne on the face and reversing day and night. We don’t know what time zone Pucs is in (of course, there may be in the future). We work all night to make the community better and gather like-minded partners to create this chapter with the significance of the times!_ Jennifer

In the scope of The Renascence, what the future brings us, we might simulate or imagine the future in this co-creating DAO and hold the future in our own hands.

Some links to reach us:

Website: https://thing.fund
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thing_fund
Medium: https://thingfund.medium.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/56m7QaTxne




Written by THiNG.FUND

A crypto art / game incubator backed by top tier academies.

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